Public Calls for Jobs for U.S. and Foreign Users


Welcome to our public calls section. If you are a U.S. citizen or foreign national interested in participating in our job opportunities, here you will find the requirements and processes to apply for available positions. Below, we detail the criteria and documents necessary for the application process.


Requirements to Participate in Public Calls


1) Citizenship or Immigration Status

Candidates must be U.S. citizens or have legal immigration status in the United States. This includes permanent residents, work visas, or any other immigration category approved by the competent authorities.

In the case of foreign applicants, a verification of their immigration status that complies with local regulations will be required.


2) Age

Applicants must meet the minimum age established for each call, which may vary depending on the nature of the position. Generally, it is required to be at least 18 years of age to apply for vacancies, except for exceptions specified in the announcement.

3) Criminal Record

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All applicants must undergo a criminal background check. Those with a history involving serious crimes or that contravene current regulations may be disqualified from the call.

4) Health Conditions

Applicants must submit a health statement indicating their physical and mental capacity to perform the functions of the position for which they are applying. Some positions may require additional medical examinations, especially those that involve working in extreme conditions or that demand a high level of physical health.


5) Academic Requirements

Applicants must meet the minimum academic level required, which may vary depending on the position. Academic requirements range from basic education to advanced degrees such as bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees, depending on the specific vacancy.

6) Work Experience and Skills


Previous work experience in areas related to the position is requested. Technical and soft skills are also essential, and should be detailed in the resume or application letter.

Some positions may require specific skills such as software management, languages, or experience in teamwork.

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7) Exams and Evaluations


Applicants may be evaluated through written exams, interviews, or technical skills tests. This will depend on the nature of the position and the needs of the organization.

8) Registration Deadline and Application Process

The registration deadline for each call will be specified on the call page or in the attached documents. Interested parties should ensure that they submit their application within the established deadline.


The application process includes the submission of the requested documentation, including CV, letters of reference, and any other relevant documents.

9) Selection and Hiring Process

After the evaluation of the applications and the preliminary selection of candidates, those selected will be called for an interview and final evaluation. Successful candidates will receive a formal offer of recruitment that must be accepted within a certain timeframe.


Required Documents (PDF Formats)

Below is a list of documents that applicants will need to fill out, sign, and submit as part of their enrollment and evaluation process. For easy access, we have provided the links to download the forms in PDF format:


• Register of Environmental Rights Download PDF

• Pension System Affidavit Download PDF

• System Affidavit Download PDF


• Staff Health Affidavit Download PDF

• Anti-Bribery Commitment Statement Download PDF

• Declaration of Commitment to the Fight against Corruption Download PDF


• Statement of Ethical Commitment and Values Download PDF

• Affidavit of Receipt Download PDF

• Knowledge and Compliance with the Law on the Code of Ethics of the Civil Service and its Regulations and the Code of Ethics and Conduct Download PDF


• In addition, the following forms in Word format are available for download:

• Affidavit of Reception and Compliance with the Internal Regulations of the Civil Servants of the Superintendence of Land Transportation of Persons Download Word

• Affidavit of Knowledge of the Integrated Management System Policy Download Word


• Affidavit on prohibitions and incompatibilities Download Word

Registration and Application Process


• Record Personal Data

Complete the online registration form, making sure to include all required personal information, such as full name, address, contact information, and immigration status.

• Attach Documentation


Upload all required documents, such as a copy of identification, proof of studies, work experience, and the affidavits mentioned above.

• Registration Confirmation

Once the registration is complete, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of the process and the deadlines for the next stages.


• Evaluation and Selection

Candidates who meet the requirements will be contacted to continue with the selection process, which may include additional interviews and assessments.

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